2025 Spring Baseball Information
Tuesday January 21st - Spring Registration closes at 5:00pm for all leagues except 13-15U, that league closes March 8th.
Sunday January 26th - Evaluations from 1:00-2:30 for 5U-12U
Sunday February 2nd- Evaluations from 1:00-2:30 fro 5U-12U
Sunday February 9th - All teams selected by this date
Monday February 10th - Practices start this week
Sunday March 9th - 13/14/15U evals - 1:00-2:00 on Dixie Field
Saturday March 15th - Opening Day (first day of games)
Friday May 16th - Last day of games
FYB DIVISIONS for Spring League
5U T-Ball League - $90
6U T-Ball League - $90
7U Rookie League - $90
8U Rookie League - $90
9U Minor League - $100
10U Minor League - $100
11U/12U Major League - $100
13U-15U Dixie League - $100 ******registration closes March 8th****
2024 FYB Announcements
For the 7U-12U divisions both USSSA & USA bats are now legal for us in Fairhope Youth Baseball games
The FYB Board voted to split the Spring League into individual age groups for the ages where we have enough players. This is typically 5U-10U.
Effective spring 2021 batters ages 7-12 can now wear a batting helmet face mask or a C-flap. Masks or C-flaps are not required in the 5-6U T-ball league.
Sponsorship Opportunities
This season promises to be another great year in the history of Fairhope Youth Baseball. FYB is one of the most respected youth sports programs in the State of Alabama, and for many years has provided a wonderful environment for the development and encouragement of nearly 700 young boys and girls in our community. With so many negative images influencing our children today, it is more important than ever to provide healthy role models and positive influences. Without the support of our sponsors, we could never make this happen. FYB is an all volunteer organization and we depend on outstanding sponsors to make our baseball program successful. Our sponsors allow us to make park improvements, purchase equipment and provide many of the other necessary items not covered by player registration fees.
Please take an opportunity to look over the Sponsorship information below. We're confident there is a level that will meet your needs and allow your business an opportunity to be seen by potential patrons you ordinarily may not have access to. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call any of the contacts listed in the package. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to partnering with you to promote the wonderful experience of youth sports.